Ubuntu 16.04 introduced the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes, a pure upstream distribution of Kubernetes designed for production usage. This page shows you how to deploy a cluster.
Out of the box the deployment comes with the following components on 9 machines:
The Juju Kubernetes work is curated by the Big Software team at Canonical Ltd, let us know how we are doing. If you find any problems please open an issue on our tracker so we can find them.
IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt | OS | Networking | Docs | Conforms | Support Level |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel, calico* | docs | Commercial, Community | |
OpenStack | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel, calico | docs | Commercial, Community | |
Microsoft Azure | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | docs | Commercial, Community | |
Google Compute Engine (GCE) | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel, calico | docs | Commercial, Community | |
Joyent | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | docs | Commercial, Community | |
Rackspace | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | docs | Commercial, Community | |
VMware vSphere | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel, calico | docs | Commercial, Community | |
Bare Metal (MAAS) | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel, calico | docs | Commercial, Community |
For support level information on all solutions, see the Table of solutions chart.
Deployment of the cluster is supported on a wide variety of public clouds, private OpenStack clouds, or raw bare metal clusters. Bare metal deployments are supported via MAAS.
After deciding which cloud to deploy to, follow the cloud setup page to configure deploying to that cloud.
Load your cloud credentials for each cloud provider you would like to use.
In this example
juju add-credential aws
credential name: my_credentials
select auth-type [userpass, oauth, etc]: userpass
enter username: jorge
enter password: *******
You can also just auto load credentials for popular clouds with the juju autoload-credentials
command, which will auto import your credentials from the default files and environment variables for each cloud.
Next we need to bootstrap a controller to manage the cluster. You need to define the cloud you want to bootstrap on, the region, and then any name for your controller node:
juju update-clouds # This command ensures all the latest regions are up to date on your client
juju bootstrap aws/us-east-2
or, another example, this time on Azure:
juju bootstrap azure/westus2
If you receive this error, it is likely that the default Azure VM size (Standard D1 v2 [1 vcpu, 3.5 GB memory]) is not available in the Azure location:
ERROR failed to bootstrap model: instance provisioning failed (Failed)
You will need a controller node for each cloud or region you are deploying to. See the controller documentation for more information.
Note that each controller can host multiple Kubernetes clusters in a given cloud or region.
The following command will deploy the initial 9-node starter cluster. The speed of execution is very dependent of the performance of the cloud you’re deploying to:
juju deploy canonical-kubernetes
After this command executes the cloud will then launch instances and begin the deployment process.
The juju status
command provides information about each unit in the cluster. Use the watch -c juju status --color
command to get a real-time view of the cluster as it deploys. When all the states are green and “Idle”, the cluster is ready to be used:
juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version
default aws-us-east-2 aws/us-east-2 2.0.1
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
easyrsa 3.0.1 active 1 easyrsa jujucharms 3 ubuntu
etcd 3.1.2 active 3 etcd jujucharms 14 ubuntu
flannel 0.6.1 maintenance 4 flannel jujucharms 5 ubuntu
kubeapi-load-balancer 1.10.0 active 1 kubeapi-load-balancer jujucharms 3 ubuntu exposed
kubernetes-master 1.6.1 active 1 kubernetes-master jujucharms 6 ubuntu
kubernetes-worker 1.6.1 active 3 kubernetes-worker jujucharms 8 ubuntu exposed
topbeat active 3 topbeat jujucharms 5 ubuntu
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
easyrsa/0* active idle 0 Certificate Authority connected.
etcd/0 active idle 3 2379/tcp Healthy with 3 known peers.
etcd/1* active idle 4 2379/tcp Healthy with 3 known peers. (leader)
etcd/2 active idle 5 2379/tcp Healthy with 3 known peers.
kubeapi-load-balancer/0* active idle 7 443/tcp Loadbalancer ready.
kubernetes-master/0* active idle 8 6443/tcp Kubernetes master services ready.
flannel/3 active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/0* active idle 9 Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/2 active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/1 active idle 10 Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/0* active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/2 active idle 11 Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/1 active idle Flannel subnet
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ
0 started i-06e66414008eca61c xenial us-east-2c
3 started i-0038186d2c5103739 xenial us-east-2b
4 started i-0ac66c86a8ec93b18 xenial us-east-2a
5 started i-078cfe79313d598c9 xenial us-east-2c
7 started i-00fd70321a51b658b xenial us-east-2c
8 started i-0109a5fc942c53ed7 xenial us-east-2b
9 started i-0ab63e34959cace8d xenial us-east-2b
10 started i-0108a8cc0978954b5 xenial us-east-2a
11 started i-0f5562571c649f0f2 xenial us-east-2c
After the cluster is deployed you may assume control over the cluster from any kubernetes-master, or kubernetes-worker node.
First you need to download the credentials and client application to your local workstation:
Create the kubectl config directory.
mkdir -p ~/.kube
Copy the kubeconfig file to the default location.
juju scp kubernetes-master/0:/home/ubuntu/config ~/.kube/config
The next step is to install the kubectl client on your local machine. The recommended way to do this on Ubuntu is using the kubectl snap (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#install-with-snap-on-ubuntu).
The following command should be run on the machine you wish to use to control the kubernetes cluster:
sudo snap install kubectl --classic
This will install and deploy the kubectl binary. You may need to restart your terminal as your $PATH may have been updated.
Query the cluster:
kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
Heapster is running at
KubeDNS is running at
Grafana is running at
InfluxDB is running at
Congratulations, you’ve now set up a Kubernetes cluster!
Want larger Kubernetes nodes? It is easy to request different sizes of cloud
resources from Juju by using constraints. You can increase the amount of
CPU or memory (RAM) in any of the systems requested by Juju. This allows you
to fine tune the Kubernetes cluster to fit your workload. Use flags on the
bootstrap command or as a separate juju constraints
command. Look to the
Juju documentation for machine
Need more workers? We just add more units:
juju add-unit kubernetes-worker
Or multiple units at one time:
juju add-unit -n3 kubernetes-worker
You can also ask for specific instance types or other machine-specific constraints. See the constraints documentation for more information. Here are some examples, note that generic constraints such as cores
and mem
are more portable between clouds. In this case we’ll ask for a specific instance type from AWS:
juju set-constraints kubernetes-worker instance-type=c4.large
juju add-unit kubernetes-worker
You can also scale the etcd charm for more fault tolerant key/value storage:
juju add-unit -n3 etcd
It is strongly recommended to run an odd number of units for quorum.
If you want stop the servers you can destroy the Juju model or the
controller. Use the juju switch
command to get the current controller name:
juju switch
juju destroy-controller $controllername --destroy-all-models
This will shutdown and terminate all running instances on that cloud.
The Ubuntu Kubernetes deployment uses open-source operations, or operations as code, known as charms. These charms are assembled from layers which keeps the code smaller and more focused on the operations of just Kubernetes and its components.
The Kubernetes layer and bundles can be found in the kubernetes
project on github.com:
Feature requests, bug reports, pull requests and feedback are appreciated.
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