Kubernetes Documentation
{"users": {"app-developer": {"id": "app-developer", "name": "Application Developer", "glossary_id": "application-developer", "index": 0, "foundational": [{"label": "Get started with a cluster", "icon": "fa-television", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/foundational"}, {"label": "Deploy an application", "icon": "fa-retweet", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/foundational#section-2"}, {"label": "Understand basic Kubernetes architecture", "icon": "fa-cog", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/foundational#section-3"}, {"label": "Explore additional resources", "icon": "fa-book", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/foundational#section-4"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "Learn additional workload patterns", "icon": "fa-cogs", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/intermediate"}, {"label": "Deploy a production-ready workload", "icon": "fa-retweet", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/intermediate#section-2"}, {"label": "Improve your dev workflow with tooling", "icon": "fa-scissors", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/intermediate#section-3"}, {"label": "Explore additional resources", "icon": "fa-book", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/intermediate#section-4"}], "advanced": [{"label": "Deploy an application with advanced features", "icon": "fa-sliders", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/advanced"}, {"label": "Extend the Kubernetes API", "icon": "fa-arrows", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/advanced#section-2"}, {"label": "Explore additional resources", "icon": "fa-book", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/application-developer/advanced#section-3"}]}, "cluster-operator": {"id": "cluster-operator", "name": "Cluster Operator", "glossary_id": "cluster-operator", "index": 1, "foundational": [{"label": "Get an overview of Kubernetes", "icon": "fa-globe", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/foundational"}, {"label": "Learn about Kubernetes basics", "icon": "fa-cog", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/foundational#section-2"}, {"label": "Get information about my cluster", "icon": "fa-info-circle", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/foundational#section-3"}, {"label": "Explore additional resources", "icon": "fa-compass", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/foundational#section-4"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "Work with Ingress, Networking, Storage, Workloads", "icon": "fa-sliders", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/intermediate"}, {"label": "Implement security best practices", "icon": "fa-shield", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/intermediate#section-2"}, {"label": "Implement custom logging and monitoring", "icon": "fa-heartbeat", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/intermediate#section-3"}, {"label": "Additional Resources", "icon": "fa-book", "url": "/docs/user-journeys/users/cluster-operator/intermediate#section-4"}], "advanced": [{"label": "Connect to managed services using Service Catalog", "icon": "fa-puzzle-piece", "url": "/docs/concepts/service-catalog/"}, {"label": "Extend a Kubernetes cluster", "icon": "fa-arrows", "url": "/docs/concepts/overview/extending/"}, {"label": "Create a Pod Security Policy", "icon": "fa-lock", "url": "/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/"}, {"label": "Define a Resource Quota", "icon": "fa-tachometer", "url": "/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/"}]}}, "migrators": {"vmware-openstack": {"id": "vmware-openstack", "name": "Migrating from VMware and/or OpenStack", "index": 0, "foundational": [{"label": "a1: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "a2: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "a3: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "a1: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "a2: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "a3: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}], "advanced": [{"label": "a1: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "a2: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "a3: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}]}, "mesos": {"id": "mesos", "name": "Migrating from Apache Mesos", "index": 3, "foundational": [{"label": "d1: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "d2: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "d3: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "d1: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "d2: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "d3: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}], "advanced": [{"label": "d1: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "d2: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "d3: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}]}, "docker-compose-swarm": {"id": "docker-compose-swarm", "name": "Migrating from Docker Compose and Swarm", "index": 1, "foundational": [{"label": "b1: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "b2: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "b3: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "b1: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "b2: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "b3: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}], "advanced": [{"label": "b1: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "b2: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "b3: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}]}, "heroku": {"id": "heroku", "name": "Migrating from Heroku (PaaS)", "index": 2, "foundational": [{"label": "c1: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "c2: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "c3: foundational stuff", "url": "#"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "c1: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "c2: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "c3: intermediate stuff", "url": "#"}], "advanced": [{"label": "c1: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "c2: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}, {"label": "c3: advanced stuff", "url": "#"}]}}, "contributors": {"community-contributor": {"id": "community-contributor", "name": "Community Contributor", "short_desc": "A person who works to build the Kubernetes community (e.g. by organizing meetups).", "index": 1, "foundational": [{"label": "Contribute to the Kubernetes OSS project", "icon": "fa-users", "url": "/docs/imported/community/guide/"}, {"label": "Find out about mentoring initiatives", "icon": "fa-graduation-cap", "url": "/docs/imported/community/mentoring/"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "Apply for community membership as a member, reviewer, approver, owner, or maintainer", "icon": "fa-user-plus", "url": "https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/community-membership.md"}], "advanced": [{"label": "Learn about Kubernetes community governance", "icon": "fa-gavel", "url": "https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/governance.md"}]}, "code-contributor": {"id": "code-contributor", "name": "Code Contributor", "glossary_id": "code-contributor", "index": 0, "foundational": [{"label": "Read the Developer Guide", "icon": "fa-book", "url": "/docs/imported/community/devel/"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "Learn about the Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal (KEP) process", "icon": "fa-upload", "url": "/docs/imported/community/keps/"}, {"label": "Understand the API conventions", "icon": "fa-map-o", "url": "https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md"}], "advanced": [{"label": "Learn about the release process", "icon": "fa-code-fork", "url": "https://github.com/kubernetes/release/blob/master/README.md"}]}, "docs-contributor": {"id": "docs-contributor", "name": "Docs Contributor", "short_desc": "A person who writes documentation for the Kubernetes project (e.g. this site).", "index": 2, "foundational": [{"label": "Contribute to the Kubernetes documentation", "icon": "fa-users", "url": "/editdocs/"}, {"label": "Learn about documentation style", "icon": "fa-book", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/style-guide/"}, {"label": "Review documentation issues", "icon": "fa-bug", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/review-issues/"}, {"label": "Create a documentation pull request (PR)", "icon": "fa-pencil-square-o", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/create-pull-request/"}, {"label": "Stage documentation changes", "icon": "fa-eye", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/stage-documentation-changes/#staging-a-pull-request"}], "intermediate": [{"label": "Write a new topic", "icon": "fa-plus-circle", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/write-new-topic/"}, {"label": "Stage documentation changes locally", "icon": "fa-cloud-download", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/stage-documentation-changes/#staging-locally-using-docker"}, {"label": "Apply page templates", "icon": "fa-clone", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/page-templates/"}, {"label": "Add callout formatting", "icon": "fa-exclamation-circle", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/style-guide/#callout-formatting"}], "advanced": [{"label": "Add feature state tags", "icon": "fa-tag", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/includes/#feature-state"}, {"label": "Add tabs to display multiple flavors of content", "icon": "fa-folder-o", "url": "/docs/home/contribute/includes/#tabs"}]}}}
A person who writes an application that runs in a Kubernetes cluster.
A person who configures, controls, and monitors clusters.
A person who works to build the Kubernetes community (e.g. by organizing meetups).
A person who develops and contributes code to the Kubernetes open source codebase.
A person who writes documentation for the Kubernetes project (e.g. this site).
Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts, providing basic mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications. The open source project is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
Advanced Topics
01 - Install Tools
02 - Configure Pods and Containers
03 - Inject Data Into Applications
04 - Run Applications
05 - Run Jobs
06 - Access Applications in a Cluster
02 - Configure Pods and Containers
03 - Inject Data Into Applications
04 - Run Applications
05 - Run Jobs
06 - Access Applications in a Cluster