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kubeadm reset

Run this to revert any changes made to this host by ‘kubeadm init’ or ‘kubeadm join’.


Run this to revert any changes made to this host by ‘kubeadm init’ or ‘kubeadm join’.

kubeadm reset


      --cert-dir string                    The path to the directory where the certificates are stored. If specified, clean this directory. (default "/etc/kubernetes/pki")
      --cri-socket string                  The path to the CRI socket to use with crictl when cleaning up containers. (default "/var/run/dockershim.sock")
      --ignore-checks-errors stringSlice   A list of checks whose errors will be shown as warnings. Example: 'IsPrivilegedUser,Swap'. Value 'all' ignores errors from all checks.

External etcd clean up

kubeadm reset will not delete any etcd data if external etcd is used. This means that if you run kubeadm init again using the same etcd endpoints, you will see state from previous clusters.

To wipe etcd data it is recommended you use a client like etcdctl, such as:

etcdctl del "" --prefix

See the etcd documentation for more information.

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